Preeti will be on a trip to kargil to work with the girl kids and their education in that region. She will also be showing a preview of the film that she had directed called antoo ki amma to these kids. She will watch it herself along with these people. Preeti wants to help these kids to get world-class education and experience at their own places and she is a woman on a mission. We spoke to her and here is what she has to speak, " I am travelling to kargil to meet these kids and work with them. I will be taking various workshops with these kids to help them have a better and holistic education. I will show my film to them as well. We will have a question and answer session also with these kids so I could understand how best to help these kids. They are a major part of me and I would do everything possible in my reach to help them. "
We wish this super girl all the luck for the same and that is some motivation for all of us to work for the people who need us.
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