While the committee stated that these areas were encroached upon thus making it difficult for clearing them, Sanjay Nirupam has called it yet another scam by the Shiv Sena. Sanjay Nirupam said, “The Municipal Administration presented a proposal to the BMC improvements committee to acquire 6 plots in Poisar and Goregaon. However, the committee stated that since these areas were encroached upon thus making it difficult for them to be cleared, the BMC would have to pay Rs, 260 Crore to the owner of the plot for the land which is worth more than Rs. 1000 Crore. But if the BMC has the annual budget of Rs. 40,000 Crore, why is the civic body refraining from spending Rs. 260 Crore to save the land worth Rs. 1,000 Crore? If Maha CM Devendra Fadnavis is not a part of this conspiracy of the Shiv Sena, he must intervene and save these plots which are reserved for civic amenities like gardens, schools and roads. Instead of saving the Sena-BJP alliance, CM Devendra Fadnavis must save the reserved plots in Mumbai”.
Sanjay Nirupam further stated that one of the six plots is in Goregaon whereas the remaining five are in Poisar. The Goregaon plot measuring 7165 sq meters is reserved for garden, playground and school. The cost of this plot is Rs. 94,61,16,500 Crore. The first plot among the 5 plots in Poisar which is reserved for primary and secondary school measures 2181 sq. meters cost Rs. 18,59,09,351. The second plot is reserved for a municipal school and measures 2453.31 sq. meters and 2284.31 sq. meters costing Rs. 29,54,50,549. The third plot in Poisar was reserved for playground measuring 1905.57 sq. meters worth Rs. 8,05,36,717. The fourth and the fifth plot was reserved for constructing roads. The fourth plot measured 7170 sq. meters and the fifth plot measured 11584 sq. meters. Both these plots are worth Rs. 41,16,66,800 and Rs. 66,50,97,403 respectively.
“We do not have playgrounds in Mumbai. If these plots reserved for playgrounds are sold to private builders, where will the children play? If the plot reserved for municipal school is not used for the actual construction of school, how will the parents educate their children while education is private schools is so expensive? Does the Sena-BJP Govt want skyscrapers in Mumbai instead of playgrounds and schools for the children?”, Nirupam asked.
The Mumbai Congress Chief also stated that the future generations will have to face the repercussions of these decisions.
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