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The National Cancer Institute will be a Milestone

- Chief Minister

• MoU between Tata Trust and NCI

Nagpur, July. 14: There is an additional stress of patients with the famous Tata Cancer Hospital in Mumbai. Under this circumstances, the National Cancer Institute in Nagpur can be a milestone for quality patient care for cancer patients in  remote areas of central India and Vidarbha. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today said that it  is a happy moment that an agreement between  Tata Trust and the NCI is taking place.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the renowned Tata Memorial Trust of Mumbai and the National Cancer Institute (NCI)  Nagpur today was signed. Under this agreement, patients from Vidarbha and central India will be provided world-class treatment and facilities

at affordable rates. Since 2012 the NCI has been working for cancer patients and today due to the  agreement, the needy, poor patients in this area will get immediate treatment on the ill-related illness like cancer. Today, a Memorandum of Understanding is signed at new NCI building, which is being built in 25 acres of Jamtha area.

Tata Trust's Managing Trustee Venkataraman, Tata Trust Director Kailash Sharma, President of National Cancer Institute  Sunil Manohar, General secretary Shailesh Joglekar, Tata Trust's financial officer Ashish Deshpande, NCI's Medical Director Dr. Anand Pathak, former MP Ajay Sancheti and others were present. Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said, "Cancer treatment has been done by Tata Trust's Cancer Hospital in Mumbai for many years. There are huge crowds at this place. People from remote areas can not reach Mumbai. Therefore, it will be possible to help the people of  central India and Vidarbha, in collaboration with Tata Trust, their respective doctors and quality treatment system. To ease the stress of Mumbai, today's agreement is going on and is happy to be a witness to this historic agreement. At this time, he mentioned about the work being done by Tata Trust in many social sectors led by eminent industrialist Ratan Tata. In addition, he said that Tata Trust has contributed significantly in agriculture, health and village development. He expressed his optimism that the contract with the Tata Trust will last a long time with  NCI.

Earlier, Mr. Venkataraman,  Trustee of Tata Trust expressed his views. He said that after  West Bengal (Kolkata), Jharkhand, Karnataka, Odisha,  world-class facilities can be made available to cancer patients in Nagpur with the support of NCI.  He thanked the Chief Minister for making this opportunity available. With  private and public institutions, Tata Trust has signed a number of agreements for cancer patients across the country, as it is not possible to provide quality treatment to cancer patients at one place in Mumbai. He thanked the Government of Maharashtra for taking the initiative.

 Medical Director of N C I , Dr Anand Pathak informed about the hospital. He said that big dream of the NCI Institute, which was started here in Dharampeth in 2012, is coming up today. So far, this organization has helped 6 thousand patients. The first phase of the hospital began in 2017. World class treatment was started in Nagpur. Special treatment centre for children has been started. More than 100 children have been treated at this place so far. Apart from this, there will be a large number of skilled doctors in the hospital, and research work will also be a distinct feature of this centre. He expressed hope that the hospital will be able to provide adequate care for cancer prevention campaign in rural areas. General Secretary Shailesh Joglekar made the introductory speech. After the MoU , Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis inspected the newly constructed hospital. He also inaugurated a ward.

समस्तीपुर मंडल रेलवे आरपीएफ द्वारा लगातार मानवता का हुआ हनन। R. K. Roy/J.T.News/S.K.News समस्तीपुर बिहार। समस्तीपुर:- मंडल रेल उजियारपुर स्टेसन के पास 12,7,18 को किसी ट्रेन से कट कर हुई अज्ञात व्यक्ति की मौत हुई। उस ब्यक्ति के शव को GRP ने रेलवे लाइन से हटाकर गड्ढे में डाल दिया था ताकि पोस्टमार्टम और पहचान करने की प्रकिर्या से बचा जाय, लेकिन ग्रामीणों के दवाब पर शव को उठाया गया था। कल शाम 13,7,18 को ठेला से पोस्टमाटम के लिये समस्तीपुर सदर अस्पताल लाया गया था लेकिन किसी कारण से पोस्टमार्टम नही हो पाया तो ठेला से वापस ले गया आज फिर ठेला से ही पोस्टमाटम के लिये लाया गया। तीन दिन हो गए है लाश ठेला पर घुमाते हुए, लाश सर कर बदबू मरता है। वहीँ लाश से बहुत तेज दुर्गंध आ रही है। क्या रेलवे के पास एम्बुलेंस नही है, अगर नही है तो क्यो नही है, अगर है तो उपयोग क्यो नही किया जाता है। हर बार ठेला से ही शव को लाया और ले जाया जाता है। ये बहुत ही चिंताजनक विषय है।
बरसात थमने के बाद कीचड़ से गटर जाम गंदगी व अन्य समस्याओं से घिरा है भिवंडी का घूंघट नगर

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