Recently, an article of mine was posted which received a record number of responses (for my pieces). I’m using that work as a point of departure here for providing another submission which I hope will generate as much interaction, feedback.
If you glance at the short previous work first (link above), the ten points below might resonate better than they would otherwise. Regardless, here I’m simply asking which four of the ten are most important to avoid by folks involved in civic engagement.
1. Becoming emotional when recruiting or raising funds.
2. Interrrupting colleagues when they’re advocating a position different than yours.
3. Losing documentation of interaction with your opposition.
4. Attempting contact with colleagues when you know they’re sleeping.
5. Doing anything illegal during demonstrations which receive national coverage.
6. Attending group meetings during flu outbreaks.
7. Traveling by environmentally damaging means when viable options exist.
8. Failing to respond to inquiries ASAP.
9. Tweaking the truth.
10. Threatening others.
Last time out I included “the answers” in the body of my article. This time — in part, because I was so intrigued and pleased respecting the feedback I received — I am asking readers to contact me for “the answers.” Fair enough? I pray so.
Rachel Olivia O’Connor is a member of the Oxman Collective. She can be reached at As was the case with the previously posted piece, the author will be glad to elaborate on any of what’s listed above, upon request; one reply last time out received a three-hundred word elaboration.
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